So, will a dollar shut you up? How about five dollars?
Have you ever felt like that? Like you would love to buy someone's silence? Not silence about a secret, or an event; No. Silence in general, like you need them to become a mute, instantly, or you may crawl into your own skin and disintegrate.
Have you ever purposly found something meaningless or extra to do, just to be on the other side of the building from them? Hidden in a bathroom faking an upset stomach maybe? I have a good list I go through to avoid them, whether it be unwanted loud mouthed company at home, or a pain in the ear co-worker. Oh please, we've all had at least one of them! You are more likely than not related to a few.
When people are shifting in their seats, or have visible signs of discomfort on their face when you're speaking, you should stop. It may be the subject, or it may just be you. Either way, just stop. Do us both a solid and grab a Twix, because I need a darn minute.
It's a shame life doesn't have a 'hide' button for selected people, like Facebook does. That hide button would make all the difference. Just sayin'.
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