Saturday, April 23, 2011

I'm coming through

Today was a good day, but of course, it had it's troublesome points.

One of which was my mother, as usual. The other, was the line in a public restroom.

While on a narrow aisle, my mother and I were separated by a woman with an ill-placed shopping cart. I'm certain my mother did not ask the woman politely to move her cart, or even simply say excuse me; I believe the following occurred instantly upon her being blocked. As I turn to say something to my mother about a pair of shoes I see her ram the woman's shopping cart, well, scrape down the entire side of it anyway. During the massive collision, she exclaims 'I'm coming through!'. Yes mom, because you need to announce that you're the reason it sounds like the world is ending in the shoe department.  I grabbed the front of her cart and pulled it apart from the other one. I yelled 'Jesus mom! Where did you get your license?!' This question did not get a verbal answer, however it did get a nasty mom-scowl. The woman managed to regain her balance, and I shot her an apologetic look, which also received a mom-scowl. My sister had abandoned the aisle upon the impact, so as not to confuse people; After all, she can't be related this circus. I have news for you, you are, and that's never going to change; No matter how many aisles you run away from us.

After the dust settled from that collision, and my sister and I had laughed ourselves many aisles away from mom, we headed to the restroom. My sister is 6 1/2 months pregnant, so she got first dibs on a stall, naturally. All of the other stalls were occupied, so I took my place in line, I was also the only one in the line. A women then walks in, looks at me, walks in front me and stops. At this point, I didn't realize I had been 'cut'. When  a stall door opened and she shuffled in rapidly, looking at me over her shoulder, I knew I had been 'cut'. She was in and out of that stall before another had come open, so as she was watching her hands, I just stared at her, pretty much in awe. I didn't go into the stall she had gone into, I ended up going into the one my sister had been in; But not before I stared at her long enough to make her obviously uncomfortable. Really? Did that just happen? I would have let her go first, I was not in an emergency state of needing to pee. She should have asked; I would have asked. Manners people, manners. If we were kids, there would have been a scene made by any line-respecting child; Myself included. There would have been witnesses, and consequences. Some pinching may have occurred, who knows.

Today was good. I am pretty sure I emitted my own mom-scowl for the first time ever; Thumbs down to that, as I am not a mom.

The test of good manners is to be patient with bad ones.  - Gabirol (Solomon ben Yehuda ibn Gabirol), The Choice of Pearls

I like, and agree with, what he's just sayin'.

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