Have you ever tried to fold a fitted sheet? How far do you get before you're irritated?
As I was putting the laundry away, I came to the fitted sheet. I decided to pause, and Google the exact directions to folding a fitted sheet. As always, Google came to my rescue.
1. Wash and dry your sheets before folding and storing them.
2. Remove sheets from dryer while they are still warm so that they do not wrinkle. If the sheets are already cool, put them back in the dryer with a moist cloth for a couple of minutes.
3. Put your right hand in the right top corner of the sheet, and fold the left top corner of the sheet over your right hand.
4. Keep holding the sheet with your right hand and gather up a bottom corner, folding it over the right hand as well.
5. Take the remaining corner and fold it over your right hand.
6. Fold the sheet into a square, then continue folding in half until you have reached the desired size.
Alright, step number one is completely unnecessary; Unless your a dirty person that is. Also, who needs to be told to dry them before they store them? Isn't that a given? Sadly, I guess it isn't. Now for step number two; Am I the only person who doesn't care if my sheets are a little wrinkly? I am confident enough that the bed police will not be storming my bedroom in a SWAT-like manner; So I will not be putting in extra sheet dedication for the unlikelihood that event will occur. I know, I know; My poor husband sleeps on slightly wrinkled sheets. I'm the worst wife ever.
Now, somewhere in the middle of, or in between steps three and four, I'm annoyed. I don't think I've ever gotten to step five, let alone step six. I usually end up rolling it into a square like oval, and placing it in the linen closet just so. I then place the perfectly folded flat/top sheet on top, to make a nice little lopsided pair.
To anyone who has ever folded a fitted shit properly like those directions state, or to anyone who will after reading those directions; You're amazing and you're a better person than I am.
I don't think I'll ever fold those sheets the right way, and that's okay. I've been with my husband for seven years, and he hasn't complained yet, so I guess I'm in the clear.
I bet Martha Stewart can fold a fitted sheet. Just sayin'.
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