Sunday, May 8, 2011

All is fair in love and.....

No, not all is fair; Rape and molestation. Not fair. Horrible.

I am blogging with somewhat of a purpose today, because my heart is heavy, and my head is angry. A man I went to grade school with has turned into a pedophile. Great, right? I read about him in the paper a few months back, and was literally nauseated by the story, seen here. Yet, for some reason I've still kept him on my Facebook friends list. I emailed him the day I read the article, and he responded stating it was unfounded, ridiculous, and untrue. What else are you going to say? Admit it via Facebook? Of course not, especially not when you just got out of jail, and your status is about being happy to have your bed back and hot food. Yeah, he's got his priorities straight.

I've thought about this off and on over the past few months, and talked about it on a few occasions with our mutual friends. Although none of us had really kept up with him, because he had gotten a bit weird, our wheels were still turning over his charge report. What in God's name is the matter with him, and anyone else who preys on children. He was a child himself at the time these incidents reportedly occurred. What 14 year old rapes/molests 6 and 9 year old girls?! I cannot wrap my mind around it.

I've found out recently that he is engaged, and his fiancee is pregnant. The baby is a girl. Hopefully, you just cringed the way I did when I found this out. Of course, the parents-to-be are thrilled, and why wouldn't they be? A baby is a blessed occasion. I'm just hoping that the state is keeping tabs on him and his involvement with this blessed occasion until his trial. I'm also hoping they take the baby away from him, because I'm certain the mother is not smart enough to leave. That was made apparent by a bar scene a few days ago. A friend, his once best friend at that, approached him quietly, and inquired about the charges. He flew off the handle and started screaming/yelling obscenities, and his girl jumped in. It looked like they belonged on an episode of cops, and that she should have been barefoot in a front yard. What a sight. Yet, in all of the dramatics, he never once denied anything, never tried to plead his case to his old buddy. He didn't even feed him a line of malarkey and  try to lie his way out of it. He just went berserk. I now pronounce you guilty, beyond a shadow of a doubt.

I've attacked him on Facebook over this bar scene, which I really shouldn't have, I know. I just couldn't keep my mouth shut. Not keeping my mouth shut is probably my biggest flaw. That, and I'm beyond nosey. I guess I need to just let it go, because I shouldn't be judging people. That's in God's job description, not mine.

So until I can let it go, or anything else I'm dwelling on; I'll be here ranting. Just sayin'.

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