'What are your New Year's Resolutions for 2011?' - Asked of me today by a friend of mine.
Surprisingly enough, I made it to December 31st without being asked that question, so thumbs up to avoidance. I don't have any real resolutions for next year. I have some ideas, and plans; but resolutions? Not exactly.
My Make-shift 'Resolutions':
I do desire to relax and enjoy our vacation next week. I've earned it, and so has my husband. I also should probably try to lose this extra weight I've so graciously given to my body over the past few months. I'm sure it wouldn't mind me resolving that issue. I can do it. I'll get started on that eventually...
'Resolutions' I will keep:
One thing I am going to start next year, tomorrow, is my own Project 365. Project 365 is, in essence, a photo journal of a year of your life. You take/choose one photo each day, and give it a little caption. Any random photo. On this day next year, mine will be complete, and I will be looking back at it; No doubt laughing hysterically. On a side note, I also intend to create a video blog/montage of our vacation next week. If all pans out, I will post it on Facebook/YouTube for the world to see.
One Real Resolution:
I am going to be enrolled in school next year. I will make a career choice, and I will jump for it. After all, nothing is ever written in stone, and you can always change your mind. Now, at the ripe old age of 24, what do I want to be when I grow up? Detention Deputy is consistently creeping it's way to the top of my list. Decisions, decisions.
I'm headed into the west wing of the house now, for my New Year's Eve party of laundry and bathroom cleaning. Hurray. So, I hope everyone has a safe and fun evening prowling the town. I will be here, curled up on the couch with some hot tea, and Law & Order SVU episodes I've DVR'd.
I find Christopher Meloni extremely attractive. Just sayin'.
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