Me: 'Was the doctor supposed to call something in for you?'
Patient: 'I was standing right there when he called it in!' 'They said it would be ready in 15 minutes!'
Me: 'Are you sure he called in to our location?'
Patient: 'YES! He said the Walgreens on the corner of Spring Hill and Mariner!'
Me: 'Sir, this is CVS.'
Patient: 'Oh my, how did I get here? I'm sorry.'
Have you ever done something like that? Felt like you've miraculously traveled somewhere, when you know you've simply driven yourself to the wrong place? Now, I don't mean passing the street you meant to turn on, I'm talking about pulling in your driveway and going 'What am I doing? I was going to Publix, how did I get home?'
I do it, and it's like a sensor has gone bad in my auto-pilot sometimes. I'll end up at work in the parking lot, and snap out of the 'driving daze' I was in as I park my car. Was I even paying attention while I was driving? Probably not, and neither was that gentleman I had the above conversation with this evening.
Spring Hill is apparently full of people with alot on their mind, also known as careless drivers.
Again, just sayin'.
OH my friggin god! the beginning is sooo halarious!