Wednesday, December 29, 2010

How did you get here?

Me: 'Was the doctor supposed to call something in for you?' 
Patient: 'I was standing right there when he called it in!' 'They said it would be ready in 15 minutes!'
Me: 'Are you sure he called in to our location?'
Patient: 'YES! He said the Walgreens on the corner of Spring Hill and Mariner!'
Me: 'Sir, this is CVS.'
Patient: 'Oh my, how did I get here? I'm sorry.'

Have you ever done something like that? Felt like you've miraculously traveled somewhere, when you know you've simply driven yourself to the wrong place? Now, I don't mean passing the street you meant to turn on, I'm talking about pulling in your driveway and going 'What am I doing? I was going to Publix, how did I get home?'

I do it, and it's like a sensor has gone bad in my auto-pilot sometimes. I'll end up at work in the parking lot, and snap out of the 'driving daze' I was in as I park my car. Was I even paying attention while I was driving? Probably not, and neither was that gentleman I had the above conversation with this evening.

Spring Hill is apparently full of people with alot on their mind, also known as careless drivers.

Again, just sayin'.

1 comment:

  1. OH my friggin god! the beginning is sooo halarious!
