Thursday, December 30, 2010

All for pennies on the dollar

'Do you think you could pass for a three year old?'

This question greeted me this evening from my husband, as we were pouring over pamphlets and books for our upcoming vacation. A restaurant had caught his eye, and apparently children 3 and under were free. Of course, he was joking, but his phony question made me laugh, and think.

What are people doing, or trying to do, to save a few dollars right now?

A friend of mine recently took her family to Disney, and I believe she passed her 5 year old off as a 3 year old, because of his small stature. That saved her a few bucks, and she was pleased. Another friend of mine dumps more laundry detergent into the container she is going to purchase, filling it to the top, and getting probably five more loads worth for what she was going to pay originally. If she gets caught, I'm sure she'd be in a decent amount of trouble, but it's apparently worth the risk to her.

What else are we doing to save money, or at least to give ourselves the illusion of saving money? Clipping coupons? Splitting our grocery shopping between stores because of their sales? Checking the arrests on the sheriff's office website has shown me that alot of people are resorting to theft of one kind or another. It's sad to think about it being that bad, but we're all usually pretty happy to save a few dollars, or cents for that matter. I love a sale, and have been deemed a super shopper by my friends. My husband refers to me as his 'good little jew', because of my heightened frugality, and my nationality of course.

I suppose we'd all love to be 'rich', to not have to adhere to a strict budget, or to just not work. I know I certainly fall into all three of those categories. So, until I actually find myself in one of those categories, I'll be here. Just sayin', as always.

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