'What are your New Year's Resolutions for 2011?' - Asked of me today by a friend of mine.
Surprisingly enough, I made it to December 31st without being asked that question, so thumbs up to avoidance. I don't have any real resolutions for next year. I have some ideas, and plans; but resolutions? Not exactly.
My Make-shift 'Resolutions':
I do desire to relax and enjoy our vacation next week. I've earned it, and so has my husband. I also should probably try to lose this extra weight I've so graciously given to my body over the past few months. I'm sure it wouldn't mind me resolving that issue. I can do it. I'll get started on that eventually...
'Resolutions' I will keep:
One thing I am going to start next year, tomorrow, is my own Project 365. Project 365 is, in essence, a photo journal of a year of your life. You take/choose one photo each day, and give it a little caption. Any random photo. On this day next year, mine will be complete, and I will be looking back at it; No doubt laughing hysterically. On a side note, I also intend to create a video blog/montage of our vacation next week. If all pans out, I will post it on Facebook/YouTube for the world to see.
One Real Resolution:
I am going to be enrolled in school next year. I will make a career choice, and I will jump for it. After all, nothing is ever written in stone, and you can always change your mind. Now, at the ripe old age of 24, what do I want to be when I grow up? Detention Deputy is consistently creeping it's way to the top of my list. Decisions, decisions.
I'm headed into the west wing of the house now, for my New Year's Eve party of laundry and bathroom cleaning. Hurray. So, I hope everyone has a safe and fun evening prowling the town. I will be here, curled up on the couch with some hot tea, and Law & Order SVU episodes I've DVR'd.
I find Christopher Meloni extremely attractive. Just sayin'.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Is it a Happy New Year?
Youth is when you're allowed to stay up late on New Year's Eve. Middle age is when you're forced to. ~Bill Vaughn
An optimist stays up until midnight to see the new year in. A pessimist stays up to make sure the old year leaves. ~Bill Vaughn
I find myself somewhere in the middle of both of those statements.
I will not be staying up until midnight tonight for two reasons.
1) I have to work in the morning.
2) My husband will be at work, so I would be alone with no midnight smooch.
A solid thumbs down to that.
Now, am I a pessimist that wants to see 2010 get out, or an optimist that is anxious for the arrival of 2011? Again, I'm precisely in the middle.
2010, you weren't exceptionally great to me, but you weren't horrible either. I'd give you a 75%, and I'm grading on a curve. Nothing that bad happened directly to my husband or I. Thank goodness for that. Sure, there were selected work woes, and other nasty tidbits; but it wasn't bad. I also did not hit the lottery; So there was nothing exceptional either. Another solid thumbs down to that.
When I sit and think 'What happened in 2010?', the first thing that pops in my head is that we adopted a retired K-9 after my husband got his job with the Sheriff's office. He is our second fur-baby.
So, 2010 was an overall alright year; We're all here, fur-babies and humans alike, not in perfect health, but in one piece and breathing. That's good enough for me.
That will also be good enough for 2011. I've definitely lowered the bar and my expectations, just sayin'.
Titan; Our second Fur-baby.
Andi; Our first fur-baby.
An optimist stays up until midnight to see the new year in. A pessimist stays up to make sure the old year leaves. ~Bill Vaughn
I find myself somewhere in the middle of both of those statements.
I will not be staying up until midnight tonight for two reasons.
1) I have to work in the morning.
2) My husband will be at work, so I would be alone with no midnight smooch.
A solid thumbs down to that.
Now, am I a pessimist that wants to see 2010 get out, or an optimist that is anxious for the arrival of 2011? Again, I'm precisely in the middle.
2010, you weren't exceptionally great to me, but you weren't horrible either. I'd give you a 75%, and I'm grading on a curve. Nothing that bad happened directly to my husband or I. Thank goodness for that. Sure, there were selected work woes, and other nasty tidbits; but it wasn't bad. I also did not hit the lottery; So there was nothing exceptional either. Another solid thumbs down to that.
When I sit and think 'What happened in 2010?', the first thing that pops in my head is that we adopted a retired K-9 after my husband got his job with the Sheriff's office. He is our second fur-baby.
So, 2010 was an overall alright year; We're all here, fur-babies and humans alike, not in perfect health, but in one piece and breathing. That's good enough for me.
That will also be good enough for 2011. I've definitely lowered the bar and my expectations, just sayin'.
Titan; Our second Fur-baby.
Andi; Our first fur-baby.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
All for pennies on the dollar
'Do you think you could pass for a three year old?'
This question greeted me this evening from my husband, as we were pouring over pamphlets and books for our upcoming vacation. A restaurant had caught his eye, and apparently children 3 and under were free. Of course, he was joking, but his phony question made me laugh, and think.
What are people doing, or trying to do, to save a few dollars right now?
A friend of mine recently took her family to Disney, and I believe she passed her 5 year old off as a 3 year old, because of his small stature. That saved her a few bucks, and she was pleased. Another friend of mine dumps more laundry detergent into the container she is going to purchase, filling it to the top, and getting probably five more loads worth for what she was going to pay originally. If she gets caught, I'm sure she'd be in a decent amount of trouble, but it's apparently worth the risk to her.
What else are we doing to save money, or at least to give ourselves the illusion of saving money? Clipping coupons? Splitting our grocery shopping between stores because of their sales? Checking the arrests on the sheriff's office website has shown me that alot of people are resorting to theft of one kind or another. It's sad to think about it being that bad, but we're all usually pretty happy to save a few dollars, or cents for that matter. I love a sale, and have been deemed a super shopper by my friends. My husband refers to me as his 'good little jew', because of my heightened frugality, and my nationality of course.
I suppose we'd all love to be 'rich', to not have to adhere to a strict budget, or to just not work. I know I certainly fall into all three of those categories. So, until I actually find myself in one of those categories, I'll be here. Just sayin', as always.
This question greeted me this evening from my husband, as we were pouring over pamphlets and books for our upcoming vacation. A restaurant had caught his eye, and apparently children 3 and under were free. Of course, he was joking, but his phony question made me laugh, and think.
What are people doing, or trying to do, to save a few dollars right now?
A friend of mine recently took her family to Disney, and I believe she passed her 5 year old off as a 3 year old, because of his small stature. That saved her a few bucks, and she was pleased. Another friend of mine dumps more laundry detergent into the container she is going to purchase, filling it to the top, and getting probably five more loads worth for what she was going to pay originally. If she gets caught, I'm sure she'd be in a decent amount of trouble, but it's apparently worth the risk to her.
What else are we doing to save money, or at least to give ourselves the illusion of saving money? Clipping coupons? Splitting our grocery shopping between stores because of their sales? Checking the arrests on the sheriff's office website has shown me that alot of people are resorting to theft of one kind or another. It's sad to think about it being that bad, but we're all usually pretty happy to save a few dollars, or cents for that matter. I love a sale, and have been deemed a super shopper by my friends. My husband refers to me as his 'good little jew', because of my heightened frugality, and my nationality of course.
I suppose we'd all love to be 'rich', to not have to adhere to a strict budget, or to just not work. I know I certainly fall into all three of those categories. So, until I actually find myself in one of those categories, I'll be here. Just sayin', as always.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
How did you get here?
Me: 'Was the doctor supposed to call something in for you?'
Patient: 'I was standing right there when he called it in!' 'They said it would be ready in 15 minutes!'
Me: 'Are you sure he called in to our location?'
Patient: 'YES! He said the Walgreens on the corner of Spring Hill and Mariner!'
Me: 'Sir, this is CVS.'
Patient: 'Oh my, how did I get here? I'm sorry.'
Have you ever done something like that? Felt like you've miraculously traveled somewhere, when you know you've simply driven yourself to the wrong place? Now, I don't mean passing the street you meant to turn on, I'm talking about pulling in your driveway and going 'What am I doing? I was going to Publix, how did I get home?'
I do it, and it's like a sensor has gone bad in my auto-pilot sometimes. I'll end up at work in the parking lot, and snap out of the 'driving daze' I was in as I park my car. Was I even paying attention while I was driving? Probably not, and neither was that gentleman I had the above conversation with this evening.
Spring Hill is apparently full of people with alot on their mind, also known as careless drivers.
Again, just sayin'.
Patient: 'I was standing right there when he called it in!' 'They said it would be ready in 15 minutes!'
Me: 'Are you sure he called in to our location?'
Patient: 'YES! He said the Walgreens on the corner of Spring Hill and Mariner!'
Me: 'Sir, this is CVS.'
Patient: 'Oh my, how did I get here? I'm sorry.'
Have you ever done something like that? Felt like you've miraculously traveled somewhere, when you know you've simply driven yourself to the wrong place? Now, I don't mean passing the street you meant to turn on, I'm talking about pulling in your driveway and going 'What am I doing? I was going to Publix, how did I get home?'
I do it, and it's like a sensor has gone bad in my auto-pilot sometimes. I'll end up at work in the parking lot, and snap out of the 'driving daze' I was in as I park my car. Was I even paying attention while I was driving? Probably not, and neither was that gentleman I had the above conversation with this evening.
Spring Hill is apparently full of people with alot on their mind, also known as careless drivers.
Again, just sayin'.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Impulse and embarrassment
I think the geeky, "Can you hear me now?" Verizon Wireless commercial guy is kinda hot.
- What does that statement say about me?
I often wonder what people think of me after I let some random thought tumble out of my mouth into the atmosphere; Which I do rather often. There have been quite a few instances in which I've thought 'Why did I say that?', or instantly winced after I've finished my sentence.
These random statements slip out in casual conversation, usually when another comment triggers some sort of instant neuron impulse to speak in my brain. I've noticed others do it also, so at least I'm not alone.
Have you ever blurted out something random? Not necessarily embarrassing, but random none-the-less?
Here is one I haven't blurted out in a conversation; Yet anyway.
-I like to squeeze other people's black heads. I don't know exactly why, but I can find a black head on someone else blindfolded in the dark. They bug the shit out of me, too.
Not only random, slightly disgusting. Let's hope I never blurt that one out, right?
What makes us splurge these random, embarrassing statements out into the universe? When we just want to suck it back in seconds later? How I'd love to have the time to research the human mind; The impulses, needs, and desires.
Alas, there is just no time between my jobs. Preschool teacher, pharmacist technician, wife, maid, cook... The list is endless. Life choices, like how I chose preschool, something else I'd like to research.
Well, here I'll sit, drinking my orange pineapple juice, taking my sleeping pills, and watching Criminal Minds; Pondering the human brain.
Also, I find Matthew Gray Gubler extremely attractive. Just sayin'.
- What does that statement say about me?
I often wonder what people think of me after I let some random thought tumble out of my mouth into the atmosphere; Which I do rather often. There have been quite a few instances in which I've thought 'Why did I say that?', or instantly winced after I've finished my sentence.
These random statements slip out in casual conversation, usually when another comment triggers some sort of instant neuron impulse to speak in my brain. I've noticed others do it also, so at least I'm not alone.
Have you ever blurted out something random? Not necessarily embarrassing, but random none-the-less?
Here is one I haven't blurted out in a conversation; Yet anyway.
-I like to squeeze other people's black heads. I don't know exactly why, but I can find a black head on someone else blindfolded in the dark. They bug the shit out of me, too.
Not only random, slightly disgusting. Let's hope I never blurt that one out, right?
What makes us splurge these random, embarrassing statements out into the universe? When we just want to suck it back in seconds later? How I'd love to have the time to research the human mind; The impulses, needs, and desires.
Alas, there is just no time between my jobs. Preschool teacher, pharmacist technician, wife, maid, cook... The list is endless. Life choices, like how I chose preschool, something else I'd like to research.
Well, here I'll sit, drinking my orange pineapple juice, taking my sleeping pills, and watching Criminal Minds; Pondering the human brain.
Also, I find Matthew Gray Gubler extremely attractive. Just sayin'.
Mistyped? Not so much...
Let's begin with the proper definition, to limit the mass amount of confusion that I'm bound to cause.
Prickly; not Prickley, as I have been ultimately forced to spell it. A former blogger member was apparently naughty and had to have their account purged; Resulting in me being punished and not being able to snatch up the user name we settled on for myself. A solid thumbs down to that.
–adjective, -li·er, -li·est.
1. full of or armed with prickles.
2. full of troublesome points: a prickly problem.
3. prickling; smarting: a prickly sensation.
I'd prefer to refer to myself as good old number two; Full of troublesome points.
I'd prefer to refer to myself as good old number two; Full of troublesome points.
Prickly; not Prickley, as I have been ultimately forced to spell it. A former blogger member was apparently naughty and had to have their account purged; Resulting in me being punished and not being able to snatch up the user name we settled on for myself. A solid thumbs down to that.
I have created this blog with limited needs; But two reasons specifically come to mind.
1) To blog during my upcoming vacation/roadtrip with my husband.
2) To invite others into all of the troublesome points of my life.
My life has been referred to as a soap opera, and rightfully so. I will name it someday; And hopefully either write, or produce it. Although, I will only produce it on one condition; Anne Hathaway simply must play Kitty. She would totally knock it out of the park. Just sayin'.
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